Rules & Expectations

Code of Conduct and Ethics

  1. I will provide the quality of services at the price that I have quoted.
  2. I will be truthful with the members and their referrals.
  3. I will build goodwill and trust members and their referrals.
  4. I will take responsibility for following up on the referrals I received.
  5. I will display a positive and supportive attitude.
  6. I will live up to the ethical standards of my profession

Regular Monthly Meetings

Regular monthly meetings will be held throughout the year. The main purpose of these meetings include:

  • Networking and building strong professional relationships and friendships.
  • Masterminding on business improvement topics.

Laser Focus Groups

Laser Focus Groups are small groups composed of approximately 4-6 members. The intent is for each Laser Focus Group to meet once each month at a location designated by the group’s leader. The reason for these groups is to have a formal process in place in a smaller group setting to a) further develop the relationships among our members, and b) learn more about each member’s profession and business.

Chapter Presentations

Presentations held during the monthly chapter meeting should be led by current chapter members.

General Policies

  1. Regular Monthly Meetings: The monthly meetings last for 90 minutes. Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting.
  2. Regular Monthly Meetings: Attendance to regular monthly meetings is critical to the group. If a member cannot attend, they may send a substitute from their company to the meeting. This will not count as an absence. A member is allowed three absences every rolling twelve months. More than this and the member’s membership status is subject to being opened by the chapter’s Membership Committee.
  3. Laser Focus Group Meetings: Attendance to Laser Focus Group meetings is critical to the group. Each member is encouraged to attend all laser group meetings. At a minimum, each member must attend at least one meeting every two months.
  4. Website and Proprietary Tools: We have developed some unique and powerful tools on our website Each member is featured on our website along with our proprietary referral system. This referral system is designed to make referrals easy, quick, and in real time. Each member is expected to keep the referral process confidential and to use it when introducing referral partners and prospects to other group members.
  5. The general rule is that two people from each professional classification will be allowed to join our group. This two‐person rule could be two people from the same or different companies. In some cases, only one person for a particular classification will be allowed to join as determined by the chapter’s Membership Committee. In some cases, there could be more than two people from a specific classification in the event the companies are of significantly different sizes or main service areas are different between the companies.
  6. Members must represent their primary occupation, not a part‐time business.
  7. Visitors from professional classifications not already filled up may attend chapter meetings up to two times.
  8. There are no leaves of absence except for medical leaves. A member may take up to eight weeks medical leave with the Membership Committee’s prior approval if their fees are pre-paid for that period of time, and they attempt to have someone from their company “fill in” during their leave.
  9. In case of problems with a member, the Membership Committee may, at their sole discretion, put a member on probation relating to the member’s business practices or commitment to the chapter.
  10. A member’s membership status may be opened for failure to comply with the policies and/or the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  11. Membership lists are for the purpose of ‘giving’ referrals and not for soliciting (via e-mail, direct mail, or other means) members without their prior approval.

If a member does not follow these Focus Business Alliance Membership Rules and Expectations, he/she may be asked to leave their chapter group and their spot will become open.